
Cable kits for Winpilots
PDA mountings
PDA accessories
Second hand PDA
Bug wipers

Electric motorized bug wiper


* Electric winch provides quick, effortless retrieval
* Fast; takes approximately 20 seconds out
* Only one winch needed
* Operates at airspeeds up to 140 km/h
* Minimum power needs; current drain is 3-5amps.
* Cable is multi-wire cable; superior for spooling
* Winch and cable guide assembly easy to mount
* Wipers do have rigid construction

(click pictures to enlarge)

Winch mounted on LS 6

Electric winch  kit

New manual winch concept

* Economical, easy to use
* Compact design. flat and small
* Reliable disk brake


(click pictures to enlarge)
Flat and small
170x85x30mm (+levers)
Turn on disk brake Manual winch kit

High quality Wipers

* Wipers do have rigid steel plate/aluminium tube construction
* white powder epoxy coating
* wing guides are made of plastic
* guiding surfaces coated with velvet



Wipers are available in 3 sizes
Size a
Size b
Size c
- Discus
- Ventus
- LS6 & 8
- Ventus2
- Discus2
- LAK 17 & 19
- ASW 22, ASH25
- Nimbus 3&4
- etc
- Pik 20
- LS 3
- ASW 24
- ASG29
- Janus
- Std Cirrus
- LS1
- Duo Discus
- DG500
- DG1000

(click pictures to enlarge)

Mounting and Users manuals

Electric bug wiper
Manual bug wiper